El Kabong
JoinedTopics Started by El Kabong
What do JW's say when someone passes away?
by El Kabong inhaven't been around for a very long time.
i do have a question though.
what do jw's say when another witness passes away?
What Foods & Goodies Do You Want To Eat During The Holidays?
by minimus ini'm hungry!.
i'd love to eat a greek salad with plenty of feta and a blt (with the bacon crispy!
Why do we call Jehovah by his first name and not our parents?
by life is to short ini owe this question entirely to hadit but i cannot get this thought out of my head.
all i heard growing up was that we have to call god jehovah because they are many god's, this way jehovah knows we are trying to speak to him.
that is just one of many reasons the fds and wt say to why we much call him jehovah.
Let's Talk Baseball ! Who's your Favorite Team ? Love My S.F. Giants !
by flipper inand they are now in 1st place in the n.l.
west with a 6-1 record !
and the hated l.a. dodgers are in last place !
My Honda won't start!!
by Pandoras cat11 inthis month is starting out really bad.
we just bought a 92 honda accord and it was running just fine.
i get in it yesterday and it won't start.
Reincarnation....Is It Possible?
by cameo-d in.
hoax or reality?.
Orangefat has been in Hospital
by mouthy ini heard from her today.
she has been very ill in hospital.
sounds like she had a really rough time.
I was asked to leave the table...an incredible shunning experience
by JustHuman14 inthere was a social event and i was invited to attend.
the event was by a kindergarden school that my 3 year old child had a play.
after the songs and theatrical plays by the kids food was served.. .
Something Beautiful this Morning
by El Kabong injust wanted to share something beautiful with you all today.
take a few minutes, relax and enjoy.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6_616giurk&feature=channel_page.